Sales orders can be entered from the rep portal or in the back office.
Orders entered via the rep portal are visible in the back office as soon as they are issued.
Sales order type can be determined at order entry time: Regular, Bill and Hold Pull, Bill and Hold Sale, Draft, Transfer.
Next available delivery date, route and stop for customer automatically calculated.
Calculated delivery dates can be overwritten for manual input.
Automatic backorder fulfillment.
Pricing automatically applied based on any existing customer pricing contracts, deals and promotions.
Orders automatically routed for approval under predefined conditions (overdue invoices, state list, etc).
Notes to print on the invoice can be entered from the sales order template.
This is the Sales and Invoicing Desk:

The Purchaser tab of the Sales Order Entry template:

The Delivery/Pickup tab of the Sales Order template:

The Line Item Entry tab of the Sales Order template:

The Issue/Credit tab of the Sales Order template: