Visual World can provide a range of professional services to support you in your implementation efforts.
Business Process Analysis
Business processes inside companies can be a result of a meticulously thought out system or the result of "Old Spanish Custom." Regardless of the source, processes are maximized for efficiency and ultimately for margin. Visual World consultants can provide you process analysis of your existing business systems, and also give you recommendations for its improvement.
Data conversion services
Loading of the legacy data (clients data in their current systems) can be a challenging task, but it is important to have it done correctly. Clients have the choice of having staff key-in the information if they desire, or Visual World can load the information using software programs. Key moving parts of the data load process:
Master Records - We map and load legacy data from vendors, products, customers, pricing tables, G/L, deals & pricing to Visual World objects.
Reconciliation - This is the reconciliation of the legacy data brought into the Visual World system. In our experience, many legacy systems have inaccuracies which typically are compounded over time. As per our client's direction, Visual World can attempt to address these inaccuracies through analysis and programmatic efforts designed to bring the reconciliation of the data to as close as possible to actual, or the client may decide to address the inaccuracies with journal entries.
Refresh of Data - Data Refresh happens throughout the implementation effort, and includes the loading of newer invoices and the addition of missing data elements.
All data load work is conducted with the goal of loading the client legacy data into the new system and to avoid “Garbage out, garbage in” syndrome.
System Changes - System configurations are done to address the specifics of Wine & Spirits distributors because they vary from company to company and state to state. The system is configured with "baseline" changes which include the customization of forms, setting up of G/L, configuring commissions and or pricing structures, some reporting, taxation reporting to state and local licensing authorities and more.
Extended configurations can include anything the client desires, from purchasing algorithms, business processes flow, critical reports from client specifications and more. The Digital Enterprise Platform is designed to be changed so that clients can get exactly what they want.
3rd Party Integrations (see Industry Partners) - Visual World integrates into a variety of 3rd party software in the Wine and Spirits industry. Our data model is particularly well suited for this, and if there is an interface we have not yet integrated into yet, we will more than likely be able to do so.
Training services
We provide the instruction, our clients provide the staff who want to learn, and training is the result. We typically take an approach of "Train the Trainer" as we have found it is very cost effective, and we are also available to provide any level of training that is necessary for the specifics of our client.
Project & Implementation Management
Visual World can provide total project and implementation management for our clients who might not have the staff time or focus to manage the implementation. Visual World will work with our clients to determine how much support may be necessary.