Container Management
End to End Container Management
Extensive yard management functionality tracks containers from beginning to end
Calendar objects track container-specific dates: estimated ship date, ETA port, ready at terminal, ETA yard
Trays attract individual containers as they pass through the business process: shipped, in port, expected in yard, yard in, door priority set, at door, unloaded, yard out, vendor notified for pickup.
Each purchase order in a container inherits the tracking dates of the container
Automatic email to vendor when container is unloaded and ready for pickup
Container template display all of the purchase order in the container and all of the products on those purchase orders.
Specific third party costs attached to each container and purchase orders can be updated to reflect those actual costs
Every receiver made against that container is permanently linked with the container record.
The Container Management Workspace:

The Shipment Details tab of the Container Shipment Card:

The Purchase Orders tab of the Container Shipment Card:

The Products tab of the Container Shipment Card:

The Third Party Costs tab of the Container Shipment Card:

The Third Party Costs tab of the Container Shipment Card: