Compliance Management
Compliance Reporting made easy
Compliance includes wholesale and retail price filing with the state, and Brand Registration.
Retail and wholesale price filing can be done automatically by the system.
The ProdMA template displays the price filing information for a given product in a specific market area.
When new products are entered into the system, the compliance trays will automatically pick up the new record and route it through the initial price filing/brand registration process.
Status fields will always display the current status of retail/wholesale price filing and registration.
Brand registration status tracked automatically.
Registrations can be set to open-ended or have an expiration date.
‘View COLA’ button links to Department of the Treasure website where you can view the COLA application.
This is the Compliance Desk:
The trays and calendars on this desk help to manage the complexities of retail/wholesale price filing and brand registration (COLA/TTB).

The ProdMA template contains the details of retail and wholesale price filing for a given product in a specific market area:

Retail price filing details are located on the Retail Price File tab:

Wholesale price filing details are located on the Wholesale Price File tab:

The Product Registration/Compliance template holds the details of Brand Registration (COLA/TTB):